About the project
The Christian Nation Project explores ideas of Christian nationhood around the world through short written pieces and multimedia installations.
By examining different images and imaginations of the “Christian nation,” the project aims to broaden definitions of religion, politics, theology, and citizenship.
By drawing on popular, artistic, and academic material from a wide range of contexts, the project aims to engage a diverse audience beyond the usual reach of scholarly research.
Finally, by placing different case studies side by side, The Christian Nation Project aims to foster fresh lines of conversation and debate about the political influence of Christianity, often in places where we might not expect.
There are two ways to contribute to The Christian Nation Project.
First, we encourage readers to join discussions by commenting on individual posts. Comments are monitored and insulting, discriminatory, or inflammatory language will be deleted.
Second, we invite proposals for curated installations on a topic related to Christian nationhood. If you would like to propose an installation, please contact Dr Naomi Haynes.
Except where otherwise noted, content published by The Christian Nation Project is licensed by the individual contributors. The Christian Nation Project gives permission for users to copy, distribute, and display content as long as they provide a link to the content at The Christian Nation Project, attribute the work appropriately (including both author and title), and do not adapt the content or use it commercially.
The Christian Nation Project was started in January 2020 as part of the “Religious Politics and Political Religion” research project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK). Additional support has been provided by the University of Edinburgh. The website was designed by Clare de Mowbray in the SPS Comms & Engagement team.